Technology in Africa is slowly becoming of age. A small number though, of her inhabitants, are becoming more skilled in Information and Communication Technology applications.
This week, I got a strange email from a person who called himself Kasanya Lawrence []. The subject of the email was “[Makerere] IS ABBO A SUITABLE GUILD PRESIDENT”.
For you information, Susan Abbo from Democratic Party (DP) made it to presidency after scooping 44% of 8060 votes of the total votes cast. She beat even the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) candidate Mugaga Remy who was among the contestants.
So the strange sender went on to tell me what he/her had in mind.
“think of it a prostitute, a lier, agirl who arbotted twice last year am shockedthat makerereans this time u forgot your brains in the toilets”.
This email raised my eyebrows more when I found out that it had been directed to entire Makerere University Webmail subscribers. It was an example, on how simple information today can reach millions out of a simple click of technology.
From this email, am really disturbed of what technology advancement means to Makerereans. Is there some truth in this email from Lawrence Kasanya? Is anyone allowed to email or email anything to all subscribers of Makerere Webmail?
something to think about indeed --those last questions. but that dude could be sued for defamation. what is the source of his dirty data about susan abbo? especially that bit about aborting twice. you can never trust a computer geek, my friend. no doubt that guy who sent that email is. sometimes tech can b evil