Sunday, November 25, 2007
She was...she is***

Dddrrring!! Dddrrring!! Dddrrring!!
“Kee-sy-ky…I wanna know u more,
I have clues of your don’ts and do’s,
What should I do to make it cool?”

Dddrrring!! Dddrrring!! Dddrrring!!
“Li-l-ly…I got no idea of you,
lets walk see if I can remember,
Are you the tall-short, oh…u gat…mmhhh,
Oh…the slender-fat, your smile…ehhhh,

Can I beep then u call?”Dddrrring!!
Dddrrring!! Dddrrring!!
“K…oh…really!! Anytime is perfect,
I appreciate…listening to you…
Wisdom and truth from you…
Wanna see u so soon…”

Dddrrring!! Dddrrring!! Dddrrring!!
“Dear…time has run,
Silence defines what you feel,
“Am out mind, Oh...really!!”
I utter what I see…”

Dddrrring!! Dddrrring!! Dddrrring!!
“NO more, when will it… Dddrrring!!”

Dddrrring!! Dddrrring!! Dddrrring!!
“Let me think…”

She was...she is***

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posted by ombui at 1:48 AM | Permalink |


  • At 5:10 AM, Blogger eddiie

    Man!!! thats a good design first of all and then the post...Hmmmmm

    I dint know you would such pieces. i think its great..